Thursday, August 27, 2015

When you think of celebrities, you probably only imagine them on the television or movie screen, performing in a baseball game or modeling for another magazine spread. However, there are many celebrities who not only hold bachelor’s degrees but also postgraduate Master’s degrees and higher. It really does prove that many celebrities are more than meets the eye. So, if you are looking for a bit of inspiration to take up new online degree programs or check out the different online college degree opportunities available to you, check out this list of 10 celebrities with a postgraduate education.

Sigourney Weaver

While David is seeking out aliens, Sigourney is killing them. While appearing in all sorts of movies, ranging from Ghost Busters to Working Girl and Alien, Weaver also holds a higher education degree. She has a Master of Fine Arts from Yale’s School of Drama (SEEMS everyone  goes to Yale). Now, she obtained this degree before becoming a movie star, so it does show that an education,  can help springboard a career.

Rowan Atkinson

If the name doesn’t immediately sound familiar, it is the British actor who famously played Mr. Bean. He also appeared as the lead role in Johnny English and in several other television and movie productions. It is rather entertaining to know this actor, who constantly plays a dimwitted individual, actually holds his undergraduate from Newcastle University and holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Oxford University. In 2006, Oxford made him a honorary fellow.

Ron Jeremy

This is probably one “celebrity” you never expected to have a higher education. LMAO a porno star WOW! After all, upper lever education usually isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you know a person’s professional title is “porn star.” Of course, Ron Jeremy has gone on to appear in different television shows and movies, but he does hold a Masters degree in Special Education from Queens College in New York. Before he moved into the adult industry, he worked as a special education instructor in the state of New York. While he might find it a bit difficult to land this particular job now, he proves that you never know who holds a postgraduate education.

James Franco

James Franco always seems to play a character who is a bit, how you might say, out there. Whether the character is constantly high or just has something missing, probably nine out of 10 of his movies revolve around this (although he did turn in exceptional performances in the movie 127 hours). He obtained his graduate degree from Columbia University and left with an MFA in 2010. He is actually still pursuing his education and is enrolled in a Ph.D. program as he studies English at Yale. So, pretty soon, you will need to call him Dr. James Franco. If you’d like to at least have a similar educational title, there are plenty of online college classes you can look into, to see if these are the right courses for you.

David Duchovny

While playing Fox Mulder on the hit television show The X-Files, Mulder held multiple higher tier degrees, including some from Oxford. While the show looked into potential government conspiracies, the notion of David holding a higher education is not one of them. He currently holds a Master of Arts in English, which he obtained from Yale. He currently is working on his Ph.D. at Yale with a thesis about magic and technology found in contemporary literature. He has yet to complete his thesis, but when you’re working so much, it can prove difficult to find time.

Peter Weller

Peter is best known for his role as the police officer in the original RoboCop movie. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre from North Texas State University before acting, but after a few decades off, he returned to college and obtained his Master’s degree in Renaissance Art and went on to obtain his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance art history.

Bill Cosby

Alright, Bill might not be in the best light right now, and if he did do what the dozens of accusers said he did, his higher education really didn’t help him out all that much. However, he obtained not only his Masters degree but his Ph.D. in education from University of Massachusetts in 1976.

Dolph Ludgren

You probably don’t look at the action star Dolph Ludgren and immediately think that he obviously has a postgraduate education. However, the Swedish born actor’s talents go far beyond just blowing stuff up on the big screen. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and then later went on to obtain a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Sydney. Not only this, but he graduated with the highest grade point in his entire class.

Mayim Bialik

She co-stars in the television show The Big Bang Theory and actually does hold not only a Masters degree, but a Ph.D. as well. She obtained her doctorates from UCLA after studying neurobiology. So, needless to say, she doesn’t have to act too hard when it comes to all the science talk on the show. It also shows just how importance obtaining a college education can be and why, if you are interested, you need to check out online colleges for potential educational services.

 AND Last but certainly not  least

Art Garfunkel

Bet you didn’t see the other half of Simon and Garfunkel holding a higher education degree? Well, before he was singing about spices or being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he went on to obtain his Ph.D. in math education. It did take him a while to complete this degree though, as his music career took off in the middle of his studies. However, outside of his doctorates, he also holds an undergraduate degree in art history from Columbia University and a master’s in mathematics. Needless to say, Art is a multi-talented individual.

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